Play On: Kathy Silvestri’s love for music continues with big band music and foreign choral works

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus A football gathering and enthusiastic recruiter for the Sophisticated Swingers triggered Kathy Silvestri’s return to music after years of playing only once a year with Auburn University’s alumni band. “I was at a football party at a friend’s house and Jon Sedlak said, ‘Does anybody know anyone who plays saxophone?’ I said, ‘I

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Daisy Chain Brigade: Ministry raises awareness of mental illness, breast cancer and more

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Lucy McCain wakes up each morning and goes through each day with one goal — “Do something to glorify God.” In her 40s and 50s, McCain achieved that goal by writing books. In her 50s and 60s, the Decatur woman sent uplifting handcrafted newsletters around the world and operated a radio program, which

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Weighing In: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs dropped 300 pounds with exercise and healthy eating

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus First, Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs watched her father suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, fibromyalgia, arthritis and cancer. Then she watched her older sister battle all the same health problems, except for cancer. “I was 450 pounds and I realized if I didn’t make any changes, I would be in the same situation in 10 years,”

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Pieced in Love: Ivy Veinot creates quilts for veterans, children, hurricane victims and more

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Standing in “Fabric Central,” formerly known as Harold and Ivy Veinot’s dining room, Ivy Veinot pointed to the bolts of fabric covering the tables and the folded quilt tops piled next to the windows. “All of this is donated fabric. The good Lord has blessed and provided us with so much,” the 66-year-old

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