Nature Keeper: Retired Wheeler ranger witnessed the arrival of sandhill cranes at the refuge

By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Kevin Hamrick vividly remembers the day decades ago when he saw the strange sight of sandhill cranes at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. He was gathered with co-workers in the Visitors Center break room discussing tasks for the day. One said she had seen a couple of sandhill cranes near an area called Penny

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Puppy Love: Thousands of animals saved through Hartselle woman’s Paws 52 organization

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Down the rural gravel road in Hartselle stands a sanctuary — a two-story white house surrounded by 25 acres where, on any given day, more than a dozen dogs reside. Welcome to Paws 52. “There’s just something about dogs. They are so trusting and just want to be loved,” Mellisa Barnett said. Six

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Festival of the Cranes Event Locations and Schedule

Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 3121 Visitors Center Road, Decatur, off Alabama 67, will be open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Jan. 10-12. Princess Theatre 122 Second Ave. N.E., Decatur Jan. 10 “Muscle Shoals Meets the 80s” concert, 7 p.m. Featuring the Fiddleworms, special guests include Jay Burgess, Jimmy Nutt, Dave Anderson, James LeBlanc, Gary Nichols, Angela Hacker, Microwave Dave, the

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Let the Haunt Begin: Decatur man designs and acts in haunted attractions

Jay Clark helped build Nightmare on Moulton Street, which raised funds for the American Cancer Society.

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus A slight mischievous smile crossed Jay Clark’s face as he recalled chasing people through Haunted House of Horrors. “When I’m the teacher, I run after them down the hallway of lockers. They typically scream. I guess I kind of live for that,” the Decatur man said. “When they leave, sometimes they come back

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Fall Outings: Celebrate autumn with hikes, train rides and pumpkin patches

Tate Farms

By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus The cooler temperatures of fall offer an opportunity for north Alabamians to explore local outdoor treasures. Whether going on a solo hike at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge or taking the family to a pumpkin farm, check out these adventures. For the family: Hidden Rivers Farm 169 Goose Pond Road in Hartselle The 4-acre

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