
  • Play On: Kathy Silvestri’s love for music continues with big band music and foreign choral works
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus A football gathering and enthusiastic recruiter for the Sophisticated Swingers triggered Kathy Silvestri’s return to music after years of playing only once a year with Auburn University’s alumni band. “I was at a football party at a friend’s house and Jon Sedlak said, ‘Does anybody know anyone who
  • Daisy Chain Brigade: Ministry raises awareness of mental illness, breast cancer and more
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Lucy McCain wakes up each morning and goes through each day with one goal — “Do something to glorify God.” In her 40s and 50s, McCain achieved that goal by writing books. In her 50s and 60s, the Decatur woman sent uplifting handcrafted newsletters around the world and
  • Spring Outings: Explore north Alabama’s birdwatching, hiking and canoeing sites
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Get ready to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring with its sweet smell of flowers, sound of birds and feel of warm sunshine filtered through canopies of trees. Now, this sweet spot between the frigid days of winter and sweltering heat of summer, represents the perfect
  • Women’s Work: Instrumental and Inspiring Women of North Alabama
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Historians encourage society to turn to the past in order to be inspired and to be prepared for the future. “We need to learn about history so we can learn about ourselves,” historian David Breland said. “I hate to plow the same ground twice. I want to be
  • Video: People Are Talking About Living 50 Plus
  • Weighing In: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs dropped 300 pounds with exercise and healthy eating
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus First, Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs watched her father suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, fibromyalgia, arthritis and cancer. Then she watched her older sister battle all the same health problems, except for cancer. “I was 450 pounds and I realized if I didn’t make any changes, I would be in the
  • Pieced in Love: Ivy Veinot creates quilts for veterans, children, hurricane victims and more
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Standing in “Fabric Central,” formerly known as Harold and Ivy Veinot’s dining room, Ivy Veinot pointed to the bolts of fabric covering the tables and the folded quilt tops piled next to the windows. “All of this is donated fabric. The good Lord has blessed and provided us
  • Nature Keeper: Retired Wheeler ranger witnessed the arrival of sandhill cranes at the refuge
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Kevin Hamrick vividly remembers the day decades ago when he saw the strange sight of sandhill cranes at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. He was gathered with co-workers in the Visitors Center break room discussing tasks for the day. One said she had seen a couple of sandhill cranes
  • Puppy Love: Thousands of animals saved through Hartselle woman’s Paws 52 organization
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Down the rural gravel road in Hartselle stands a sanctuary — a two-story white house surrounded by 25 acres where, on any given day, more than a dozen dogs reside. Welcome to Paws 52. “There’s just something about dogs. They are so trusting and just want to be
  • Festival of the Cranes Event Locations and Schedule
    Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 3121 Visitors Center Road, Decatur, off Alabama 67, will be open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Jan. 10-12. Princess Theatre 122 Second Ave. N.E., Decatur Jan. 10 “Muscle Shoals Meets the 80s” concert, 7 p.m. Featuring the Fiddleworms, special guests include Jay Burgess, Jimmy Nutt, Dave Anderson, James LeBlanc, Gary Nichols,
  • Let the Haunt Begin: Decatur man designs and acts in haunted attractions
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus A slight mischievous smile crossed Jay Clark’s face as he recalled chasing people through Haunted House of Horrors. “When I’m the teacher, I run after them down the hallway of lockers. They typically scream. I guess I kind of live for that,” the Decatur man said. “When they
  • Call of the Wild: Decatur woman celebrates 60th birthday with Alaska journey
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus See bears up close. Check. See a male moose in the wild. Check. For her 60th birthday, DeAnn Meely checked the two items off her bucket list as she traveled to Alaska with her husband and daughter this past summer. The trip represented an opportunity for the Decatur
  • Food Fairy: Decatur teacher’s feeding ministry touches thousands of children
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus A chance encounter with a stranger at a church supper led Melissa Penley to start a program that, in the past 14 years, has touched thousands of Decatur children. “I hate that children are dealing with so many issues these days. I thought if we could just feed
  • Fall Outings: Celebrate autumn with hikes, train rides and pumpkin patches
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus The cooler temperatures of fall offer an opportunity for north Alabamians to explore local outdoor treasures. Whether going on a solo hike at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge or taking the family to a pumpkin farm, check out these adventures. For the family: Hidden Rivers Farm 169 Goose Pond
  • Repair Man: Tractors never pull up lame for Hartselle man
    By Jean Cole | Living 50 Plus Whenever Larry Lemmond’s wife asks about his growing collection of antique tractors and engines, he tells her, “Blame your daddy — he got me started.” He still recalls the day he fell in love with them. “That was 30-something years ago, but I remember exactly,” said Lemmond, 78.
  • Grandmother’s Mission: Sylvia Miller founded Elijah’s Blanket for NICU families
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus After hundreds of hours of making slip knots and chains of yarn, Sylvia Miller arrived at Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children armed with 30 hand-knitted blankets and hand-written notes. The blankets created by the Elijah’s Blanket volunteers will end up wrapped around the mothers and fathers of
  • Leading Lads: Decatur man directs national convention reaching thousands of youth
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus At the age of 10, Blake McAnally delivered his first sermon at his grandfather’s church. He spoke for 45 minutes about the crucifixion. “That was not a good idea to speak for 45 minutes, but I didn’t know that at the time,” the 61-year-old McAnally, of Decatur, said.
  • Finding Sanctuary: Visit area churches for glimpses into history
    Walk through the doors of the area’s historic churches and get an education into architecture, the Civil War, Civil Rights, religion and more. Morgan County First United Methodist 805 Canal St. N.E., Decatur Founded in 1827 by 67 white and Black members, First United Methodist Church in Decatur was originally named the Methodist Episcopal Church
  • On Top of the World: Mountain climbing with Hartselle’s Victor Fentanes
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus The summer of 1987 — a summer when Victor Fentanes became the youngest Mexican to climb Mount Huascaran, the highest tropical peak in the world — remains fresh in Fentanes’ mind. “It was a fantastic summer. It is a summer living in my memory,” Fentanes said. “That summer
  • Gearing up for the grandkids: Places that will entertain, educate and amuse
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Summer, in all its glory — the heat, beach trips and vacations — has arrived. For many, a highlight of the summer is visiting with grandchildren. Check out these places to entertain, educate and amuse the family. Water Parks Point Mallard Water Park: With water slides, an Olympic
  • Sew On: Karen Stacy creates costumes for community theater
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Walking past photographs of “Mary Poppins,” “Cinderella,” “Frozen” and “ELF,” Karen Stacy stepped into a room lined with bins containing aprons, scarves, pantaloons and fabric. “Here is where I live,” the 67-year-old Stacy said, motioning to the costume headquarters for Decatur’s community theater group Dream Weavers housed at
  • All Aboard: Journey into model railroads
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus On any given Saturday, stop by the Historic Union Depot to see a train chugging past replicas of Decatur landmarks — the Princess Theatre with a working marquee, Turner-Surles, Dancy-Polk House, Old State Bank and Tennessee River bridge. The model railroad, which replicates the CSX yard, Norfolk Southern
  • The North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments (NARCOG) annual Older Americans Luau
    A wonderful event for Older Americans Month! Living 50+ Decatur-Morgan Magazine was a sponsor and had an information booth today at the NARCOG North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments annual Older Americans Month Luau event. This event was free admission and open to people 60 years and older living in Cullman, Lawrence, or Morgan
  • Travel Bug: Vicki Morese shares adventures traveling the world
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus The travel bug bit Vicki Morese in college on her first trip abroad to Greece. “I still love Greece. It’s a special place for me,” the 65-year-old Morese said. “Growing up, I never really traveled much outside of Lawrence County. That may be why I love it so
  • In the Pocket: Pool hall offers gathering space for seniors
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Sitting in one of the stools lining the pool hall, Mitchell Blackwood watched the balls carom off the sides of pockets as Buddy Roper and Bill Thrasher traded shots again and again. “We do make one every now and then,” Blackwood said with a laugh. “It may take
  • Making Strides: Places in north Alabama to explore by walking
    By Catherine Godbey | Living50Plus As people age, the variety of ways to stay physically active shrink. Gone, for many, are the days of full contact football, basketball, wrestling and baseball. But myriad opportunities remain for individuals to meet the recommended 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise. Think swimming, gardening, yoga and, one of
  • Taking Center Stage: Decatur seniors present first theatrical performance
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Standing next to her castmates, 91-year-old Georgia Rogers led the audience and actors in a singing of “We Shall Overcome.” The song culminated a staging of “A Slave’s Dream,” the debut performance undertaken by Decatur’s senior citizens at Turner-Surles Community Resource Center. “We do a lot of stuff
  • Wild About Wildlife: Decatur photographer captures images of north Alabama’s nature
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus As the crisp, cool air of New Year’s Day whipped around Stan Hyde, he steadied his camera, followed the bald eagle’s path and gently pressed the shutter button. Click. Click. Click. Click. Hyde captured the eagle in flight over Crabtree Slough. “I used to hunt, but now I
  • Family Foundation: Inspired by her ancestors, Venessa Edmonds has impacted thousands through her work and service
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Venessa Edmonds slowly walked the sidewalks surrounding the site where Gordon Bibb Elementary School, where she attended second and third grades, once stood. “It was challenging, but my family prepared me for it,” the now 62-year-old Edmonds said. “I went from a school where everyone looked like me
  • A Time to Serve: Decatur woman finds purpose serving the community and church
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus When Jo Ann Gentry spearheaded the creation of the East Acres outreach ministry in her mid-40s, she had no idea that the ministry would run for 21 years and impact hundreds of lives. “All I wanted was for it not to be a one-time thing. My heart was
  • Living 50 Plus Civil Rights Trail
    Follow the footsteps that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. marched over Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge, stand where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat at the front of a Montgomery bus and visit a church founded by slaves. For Black History Month, celebrated every February, spend time remembering the sacrifices activists and leaders
  • Inside Shadowlawn: Meet Randy and Lauren Riehl – caretakers of one of Decatur’s historic homes
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus With thousands of lights, hundreds of round glass ornaments, wreaths, garland and trees, Dr. Randy and Lauren Riehl transformed Shadowlawn, one of Decatur’s prestigious historic homes, into a winter wonderland. Inspiration for the 150-year-old home’s holiday décor stemmed from the Riehls’ trip to Paris in the summer of
  • Winging It: On the trails with birder and Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge volunteer Tom Ress
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Finding a sport that’s physically easy, fun, challenging and not too expensive is tough as you get older. Birdwatching can be the perfect answer: equipment needs for beginners are few and north Alabama is one of the top places in the state to see rare and colorful birds.
  • Fit for Life: CrossFit gives Tommy and Gina Lance a better quality of life
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus As Tommy Lance deadlifted a kettlebell, Gina Lance lay on the gym floor in front of a fan catching her breath. “After a workout, we usually lay here for 15 minutes and talk about our life choices,” Gina said with a laugh. Three days a week, many times
  • Aging with Dignity: Decatur-based group focuses on meeting the needs of seniors
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus From creating a living will to naming a power of attorney to downsizing, many decisions face senior citizens and their families as they age. To help people navigate those decisions, Tori Vaughan created the Summit Group. “My goal is to protect our senior citizens and prepare them for
  • Healing Profession: Decatur doctor honored for serving the community for almost four decades
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Dr. Roger Moss remembers the days when the family doctor had to do pretty much anything local folks needed, from delivering babies to setting broken legs. “When I started residency, family medicine was still doing gallbladders and appendices and some surgeries,” he recalled. The routine of the family
  • Cleanup, Crepe Myrtles and Health Care: Caddell-Grisham Award honoree’s influence spans from picking up litter to fundraising for nonprofits
    By Deborah Storey  | Living 50 Plus Decatur Morgan Hospital Foundation is honoring newspaper publisher Clint Shelton for his support of the hospital and overall work in the community. Shelton, 59, publisher of The Decatur Daily, is one of three recipients of the Caddell-Grisham Award presented each year at a black-tie gala. “Clint has supported
  • Men of Honor: Meet the recipients of the Decatur Morgan Hospital Caddell-Grisham Award
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Every year for the past 39 years, Decatur Morgan Hospital Foundation bestows the Caddell-Grisham Award to individuals dedicated to the community and the hospital. This year, the foundation selected three men to join the ranks of the previous 72 honorees. Past honorees included doctors, nurses, teachers, judges, hospital
  • Celebrating Culture: 56-year-old Decatur woman part of city’s inaugural Dia de los Muertos
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Armed with a popcorn machine, chicharrónes, hot sauce and drinks, Maria Gonzalez set up her booth at Decatur’s first Dia de los Muertos celebration last year and waited. Soon, thousands of people flooded the streets of downtown Decatur and Gonzalez sold out within 45 minutes. The sight of
  • Distributing Kindness: Decatur man’s commitment to community earns him the Caddell-Grisham Award
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus In 1985 or 1986 — Wade Weaver can no longer remember which year it was for certain — he took a meeting with Trudy Grisham, who was then the president of the Decatur Morgan Hospital Foundation. In his small office in the Church Street warehouse he rented while
  • Holding the Reins: Horse show created by Morgan County woman has raised $755,000 for St. Jude’s
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Joyce Webster remembers the day 24 years ago in detail when a little girl with a baseball cap covering her bald head walked across the horse arena toward her. “She was so white and thin. She told me, ‘Before I die, I’d like to ride a pony,’” Webster
  • Bowled Over: Decatur man begins working with wood after retiring
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Standing in his workshop, Linton Barron ran his hand across a plank of maple and admired the grain in the wood. “Look at this. Isn’t it just beautiful? This is all the good Lord’s work. He is the one who made this beautiful piece of wood,” Barron said.
  • Impersonation and romance scams target local seniors
    By Zane Turner | Living 50 Plus Impersonation scams and other types of fraud targeting older residents have become a problem, Decatur police say, and one scheme cost a local senior $150,000. Michael Ferguson has been a detective in the Decatur Police Department’s financial crimes unit for six years and said he sees people lose money
  • At age 85, Lee competes in close to a dozen sports and games from basketball to dominoes
    By Deborah Storey  | Living 50 Plus Earnest Lee of Morgan County enjoys participating in a few — well, really most — of the activities in the Masters Games of Alabama, a sports competition for seniors.   “I play dominoes. I play checkers. I play three-on-three basketball when they have it. Sometimes I can’t find a
  • Behind the Curtain: Retired teachers restarted community theater company, which reaches thousands
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Two months before Susan Thompson retired as the drama teacher at Austin High School in 2017, she began making plans for a project to fill her time. She called her good friend and fellow theater lover Deanna Knox. “I answered the phone and Susan said, ‘Hey, do you
  • Wooden Wonders: Carving birds becomes passion for Danny Rodgers
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus In 1980, wooden bird sculptures at Calhoun Community College’s Wildfowl Festival captivated the imagination of a then 20-year-old Danny Rodgers. “They were amazing. I thought one done by Dirk Sibrans (of Decatur) was a stuffed bird. I came home and that’s all I could talk about,” Rodgers said.
  • Passing down knowledge: Guides at local museums teach guests and stay busy in retirement
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Stay active. Make new friends. Inspire young people. Stay sharp. For seniors and retirees, these are great reasons to volunteer. Another is that volunteering in the community just makes people feel good about themselves. Lacy Slaten, volunteer coordinator at the Cook Museum of Natural Science in Decatur, said
  • Walk Through Time: Easy, self-guided walking tours provide glimpses into Decatur’s history
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Stories of a church founded by slaves, a bank that served as a hospital during the Civil War and a riverboat captain and his girlfriend, a brothel madam, await participants in Decatur’s self-guided walking tours. With flat streets and at a pace set by each participant, the self-guided
  • Floating in the wind: Laura Stewart became balloon pilot to enjoy the ‘fun’
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Laura Stewart once landed her hot-air balloon in a field of cows that rambled over to investigate the stranger from the skies. They “thought we might have food,” Stewart recalled. That’s the thing about piloting a hot-air balloon — you never know exactly where you’ll end up. As
  • Riding the River: Decatur man’s passion for dragon boating
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Perched on the edge of the wooden seat, Mike Ward braced his feet on the floor of the boat, stretched his arms out over the water and shoved the paddle into Flint Creek. That was his introduction to dragon boating. “I didn’t have a clue what dragon boating
  • Room to walk: Bill Cassidy, 88, covers the miles indoors and out
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus Bill Cassidy exited his kitchen, walked briskly past the dining room table and went into the living room. He then turned left into the foyer, moved into the hall and picked up his pace as he walked past a grandfather clock. He arrived back at his starting point
  • Making waves at 91: Daily swims keep Nagel healthy and mentally sharp
    By Deborah Storey | Living 50 Plus Jack Nagel of Decatur has a simple explanation for why he’s still swimming in his 90s. “For my health,” he said. “That’s why I’m 91.” Get ready to feel guilty, you workout slackers. This inspiring senior citizen swims 30-minute pool sessions at least five days a week. Nagel
  • Living History: Rev. Wylheme Ragland keeps Decatur’s past alive
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Tucked away in the corner of libraries and archives in north Alabama, Tuscaloosa and Atlanta, the Rev. Wylheme Ragland spends hundreds of hours each year researching the past. “History, specifically African-American history, is my passion,” the 76-year-old Ragland said. “If I am doing research, I may stay up
  • Mexican immigrant finds success in Decatur
    By Wes Tomlinson | Living 50 Plus When talking about work ethic and the immigrant’s journey to obtain the American dream, Hispanic residents near Central Parkway and 14th Street Southwest smile when they talk about the success of Decatur resident Alfredo Chavez, a man respectfully referred to as El Jefe (The Boss). Chavez, who turns
  • All Hail the Queen: Margaret Wenzler instrumental since Carnegie Carnival’s debut
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Eleven years ago, a small group gathered inside the Carnegie Visual Arts Center to discuss ways to raise money for the nonprofit arts center. From that meeting came an idea for a Mardi Gras-style fundraiser. They called it Carnegie Carnival, which has become one of the most popular
  • How to be a trouper getting ready for a child’s or grandchild’s wedding
    By Emma Daniel | Living 50 Plus Having children or grandchildren getting married can be stressful for everyone involved, but local wedding coordinators say being supportive is the key to parents, grandparents and the new couple having a good time at the wedding. Carlee Koehler, owner of the Event Planner event coordination service in Huntsville,
  • O Christmas tree: Decorations involving 15 trees transform Hartselle home for holidays
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus When asked to give advice to those new to decorating for the holidays, Dena Stephenson — a self-described “non-recovering Christmasaholic” — said, without hesitation, “Don’t do it.” Then she laughed. “Seriously, do what you can manage and then try to stop, but you might not be able to
  • Bejeweled Benevolence: Decatur woman creates memory trees as a benefit for the NCC
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Tucked away inside the closet of a guest bedroom, Martha Newman gets to work. Armed with a glue gun, cone-shaped shiny paper, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches and broaches, the 75-year-old Decatur woman creates glitzy and sparkly bejeweled trees. She calls the creations memory trees. Each bead, pendant and
  • Festive Flavors: Locals share holiday recipes
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus The sound of carols filling stores and sight of wreaths on doors can mean one thing — the arrival of the winter holidays. ‘Tis the season for baking cookies, roasting meats and mulling apple ciders. As family and friends gather for festive celebrations, home cooks will turn to
  • Making the right call: Decatur attorney travels South officiating college football
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus On most Fridays this fall, Erick Pratt completed work at his law practice in Decatur by lunchtime, climbed into his 2018 Nissan Altima and traveled to college football games across the Southeast — in places like Chattanooga; Macon, Georgia; and Spartanburg, South Carolina. He didn’t go to watch
  • 180 years of experience: Four original employees at GE Appliances’ Decatur plant still there after 45 years
    By Erica Smith | Living 50 Plus Dale Higdon choked up recently as he reminisced about what his grandfather told him when he got a job with GE Appliances’ new plant in Decatur and became one of 77 employees who started there Aug. 15, 1977. “Boy, you got the chance of a lifetime,” Higdon’s grandfather
  • Making Music Memories: Amateur dulcimer players jam weekly at senior center
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Sliding her fingers along the strings of the dulcimer’s neck, Lori Matthews picked out the recognizable tune of “Oh, Susannah.” “The dulcimer is very easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master,” the 64-year-old Matthews said. Every Wednesday morning, amateur musicians, some wheeling laundry baskets carrying dulcimer
  • Gem of an Artist: Decatur jewelry-maker creates modern and contemporary pieces
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Leigh Ann Hurst never considered herself creative. That changed, though, when her mother, Glenda Sartain, dropped by with some gemstones. “It was the summer of 2009. She had gotten the gemstones to entertain my niece with. They made necklaces and my mother asked me to do it with
  • Seniors turning 65 can reduce property tax bite in Alabama
    By Michael Wetzel | Living 50 Plus Homeowners turning 65 can reduce their property tax by having the state portion of the tax bite exempt if they apply for it by Dec. 31. Morgan County Revenue Commissioner Amanda Scott said about 7,500 senior homeowners in the county are taking advantage of the age-related homestead exemption.
  • Call for holiday recipes
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Do you have special dishes or sweets you make for the winter holiday? Living 50 Plus wants to know about your favorite festive foods, including cookies, pies, casseroles and side dishes. We’ll share as many submitted recipes as possible in the December issue of the Living 50 Plus
  • Classic style: Retired educator Cameron loves restoring, showing and driving old cars
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus Bob Cameron has an expression he uses when discussing some of the classic cars he has owned. “You don’t see yourself coming in that one very often,” Cameron said recently. He was referring to the red, 1948 Cadillac convertible that he restored and has kept for more than
  • Champion for Children: Decatur woman follows passion to impact city’s youth
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus A chance encounter with Bruce Jones, then director of Decatur Youth Services, at Walmart 18 years ago opened the door for Kurtistyne White to pursue what would become her calling. “My background is in military. I only thought about working with kids after I had my sons and
  • At 61, Trail has energy to build multiple projects, including miniature Stonehenge
    By Wes Tomlinson | Living 50 Plus At the crack of dawn and then again into the sunset each evening, Bill Trail works on projects at his Southeast Decatur house, and he recently completed a miniature Stonehenge replica in his front yard. Trail, 61, has a strict work ethic that enables him to work and
  • Still sparkling at 81: Jeweler stays active helping others, refurbishing vintage items
    By Michael Wetzel | Living 50 Plus PRICEVILLE — For 81-year-old Kenneth Stuart, going to work every day is the “medicine” that keeps him alive and active. Manager of The Jeweler and More business in Priceville for the past seven years, Stuart said it is important for him and other seniors to stay busy with
  • Still Serving: American Legion offers veterans friendships and ways to help others
    By Michael Wetzel | Living 50 Plus More than 300 military veterans in Morgan County find fellowship, comfort and a sense of belonging when they visit the American Legion Post 15 on U.S. 31 South in Decatur. But most of all, the membership, with an average age in the mid-60s, concentrates on community service, post
  • Water Warrior: Two-time cancer survivor jumps headfirst into swimming
    As told to Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Four years ago, after completing rounds of chemotherapy and radiation during his second battle with colon cancer, Haruki Yokochi searched for a way to stay healthy. “After I got cancer the first time, I went to the gym five days a week and lifted weights and
  • Love of Learning: Decatur teacher retires after 40 years in education
    By Wes Tomlinson | Staff Writer In 40 years of teaching elementary school, Carol Shaw said she has learned just as much from her students as they have from her, and she encourages young teachers to develop and maintain a “children-first” mentality. “You have to know where your kids are coming from,” Shaw said. “I
  • Thirst for Knowledge: Decatur woman introduced to art, Italian, pickleball and mixology through lifelong learning institute
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Four decades after graduating from college, Betty Koval returned to school in 2016. In the past six years, the 68-year-old Decatur woman took classes on drawing, beginning Italian, mahjong, pickleball, tai chi, pandemics through the arts, stress relief, tailgating foods and mixology. “I have had the most fun.
  • Youthful outlook: At 55, Pickett spends life helping local young people
    By Bayne Hughes | Living 50 Plus Kids in Decatur Youth Services programs call him “Mr. Rico,” and it’s a term of both respect and endearment for Enrico Pickett Sr. Although he’s 55, Pickett spends much of his life helping those much younger, whether he’s coordinating Youth Services sports leagues, teaching health and sex education or
  • Firing up a new career: Hines started brick oven pizza business 5 years ago at age 57
    By Tim Nail | Living 50 Plus Susan Hines, 62, of Hartselle, packed her suitcase for an excursion to Italy at the end of March. She wasn’t just getting ready for a vacation. For her, this trip also aimed to further her knowledge of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. “I’m going to take a pasta cooking
  • ‘All shook up’: Hartselle High worker Hollis keeps king of rock ‘n’ roll’s legacy alive
    By Wes Tomlinson | Living 50 Plus Bobby Hollis smiled as he remembered the first times he heard the iconic voice of Elvis Presley. “My (siblings) were constantly bringing his albums into the house when we were growing up,” Hollis said. “Back then, you had the black-and-white TVs and AM radio if you were lucky
  • Up, up and away: Balloonist Brian Dial enjoys family involvement in ballooning as Jubilee approaches
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus Flying north from Hartselle toward Decatur in his hot-air balloon decorated with strips of bright colors, Brian Dial found himself in a jam. A relatively new balloon pilot at the time, he wanted to land before his flight got too long. But as he hovered over woods near
  • Boomers’ Retirement Concerns Evolve After Pandemic
    By Dewayne Eddy For many who are decades away from leaving the workforce, retirement may seem like an abstract concept. But once you’ve entered your late fifties — like the youngest Baby Boomers, turning 57 in 2021 — retirement may begin to seem very real. A recent survey of Boomers found that because of the
  • NARCOG focuses on quality of life for seniors
    By Michael Wetzel | Living 50 Plus Senior citizens in Morgan, Lawrence and Cullman counties don’t have to look far for free legal services, answers to Medicare questions, transportation assistance, prescription drug discounts and meals. The North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments, NARCOG for short, utilizes state and federal money to provide those programs.
  • Ronnie Dukes still running strong at 73
    By Michael Wetzel | Living 50 Plus Ronnie Dukes vividly remembers crossing the finish line in his first road race. The year was 1979, and the race was the inaugural River City Run, a 10-kilometer race, now in its 43rd year. “The feeling I had when I crossed the finish line was something I had
  • Parading with the Pirates: You’re ‘never too old’ to join the fun at Decatur’s Carnegie Carnival
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Dressed in tricorn hats, bandanas, frock coats, flowy lace-up shirts and skeleton accessories — the typical wardrobe for a Decatur pirate — members of Crewe O’ Ye Crooked Goat entertain and amuse crowds at the Mardi Gras-style Carnegie Carnival parade every year. Consisting mainly of individuals 50 and
  • Staying busy is fine art for Decatur’s Rick Henry
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus Rick Henry reached a crossroad in 2004. “My kids were gone. They went off to college and then went off and got married. I had some free time,” the Southwest Decatur resident said. In his early 50s at the time, he began thinking about what he’d do to
  • Dewayne Eddy: Retirement Plan Limits on the Rise in 2022
    By Dewayne Eddy Many IRA and retirement plan limits are indexed for inflation each year. Although the amount you can contribute to IRAs remains the same in 2022, other key numbers will increase, including how much you can contribute to a work-based retirement plan and the phaseout thresholds for IRA deductibility and Roth contributions. HOW
  • Jumping into the New Year: Meet the Decatur man who started the city’s Polar Bear Plunge
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Standing on the dock of the Riverwalk Marina and Boat Harbor as cars streamed past on the bridge 37 years ago, Wayne Holliday jumped into the bone-chilling waters of the Tennessee River — beginning a Decatur New Year’s Day tradition that now attracts dozens of people every year.
  • Haul out the Holly: Decorating for the Holiday Season
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus When Linda Miller moved into her Sherman Street home in Decatur’s Albany neighborhood, she quickly learned of the historic district’s tradition of decorating for the holidays. “If you live in Albany or Old Decatur, decorating for the holidays is something you just do,” the 54-year-old Miller said. “My
  • Sweet smells of the holidays: Aromas from treats help recall the past, build new memories
    By Catherine Godbey | Living 50 Plus Pat Price remembers the smell of the old-fashioned Lane cake baking in her mother’s kitchen during the holidays. Now, Price is instilling those memories in her 10 grandchildren. “Their favorite thing is what we call crack green beans, which are covered with a pound of cooked bacon and
  • Social Security’s uncertain future: What You Should Know
    By Dewayne Eddy Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system, which means today’s workers are paying taxes for the benefits received by today’s retirees. However, demographic trends such as lower birth rates, higher retirement rates, and longer life spans are causing long-run fiscal challenges. There are simply not enough U.S. workers to support the growing number
  • Holiday films families can enjoy together at the Princess Theater
    By Lori Few | Living 50 Plus The holiday season is steeped in tradition. Few traditions may elicit more collective belly laughs than watching holiday movies with your loved ones, especially grandkids, and friends. To celebrate the holiday season, the historic Princess Theatre will screen a series of Christmas movies at the downtown Decatur performing
  • Adventure of a lifetime: At age 60, Decatur man travels 3,800 miles through Midwest to enjoy Americana such as the Corn Palace, Matchstick Marvels and Mount Rushmore
    By Cameron Reeder | Living 50 Plus Cameron Reeder is a resident of Decatur who wrote this account of his trip through the Midwest for Living 50 Plus. I tuned 60 on June 22. What happened? Suddenly, I find that I am old. Wasn’t I just 18 last year? I think everyone has asked these
  • Rekindling a longtime love: Terry Connor lets his artistic talent flow in retirement and enjoys teaching others
    By Emily Griffith | Living 50 Plus Many struggle to find purpose in retirement after a lifetime of hard work. For Terry Connor, retirement is a blessing that has allowed him to accelerate his art. “I’m cranking out picture after picture because I’m at peace, I don’t have to worry about work (and) I’m in
  • Already a runner, archer, weightlifter and cyclist, Falkville Councilman Charlie Gover is taking up scuba diving at 70
    By Michael Wetzel | Living 50 Plus Charlie Gover isn’t about to slow down at age 70. The former high school coach who serves on the Falkville Town Council has just begun taking scuba diving lessons. He’s fitting the lessons in between weightlifting, pickleball, table tennis, archery, bicycle riding, spelunking and running. Gover goes out
  • Building for the future: 3 retired women in 60s and 70s still teaching youngest generation
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus Edith Garner sat beside 4-year-old Adam Vargas and told him they would read a book together. “Talk to me,” said Garner, a volunteer at Maxine Ellison Decatur Youth Enrichment Learning Center. “What’s your name?” Adam looked at her silently. Garner, who spent a quarter century with Decatur City
  • The job is never complete for these retired men
    By Emily Griffith | Living 50 Plus Habitat for Humanity volunteer Sam Beadle grew up in a low-income family, so he understands the importance of a home. As the ninth out of 10 kids in a three-room home, he knows what families in the Habitat program are going through. That makes his efforts with the program
  • Chip off the old block: Terry Carver takes up a crafty pastime at 69
    By Tim Nail | Living 50 Plus When Terry Carver retired four years ago, he didn’t want to spend all of his time relaxing. “I just like to stay busy,” said Carver, now 69. “I don’t like to sit around and do nothing in the daytime.” So after a career in the U.S. Air Force
  • Get your backpack, plan for retirement and enjoy the journey
    By Ron Stokes I am a backpacker (noun).  That is, I regularly hike or travel carrying everything I may need in a backpack. I backpack (verb) because I love being outside and exploring areas best seen on foot.  I am also a CPA (nerd) and I am forced to spend extended periods of time indoors
  • Triple Threat: Triathlons provide challenge for Decatur man
    Most mornings, Conley Brannon laces up his latest Oakley sneakers — he goes through a pair every three to six months — and hits the hills of Burningtree Mountain. At 50 years old, the Decatur man credits running, which he returned to seven years ago, for keeping him healthy.
  • Litter Getter: Athens woman on a mission to clear community of trash
    By Catherine Godbey | Staff Writer Sitting on the front porch, frustrated by the shutdown triggered by the pandemic, Laverne Gilbert began to talk to God. “I retired in 2019 and had these big plans of going on a cruise and traveling. But I was doing nothing because of COVID. I began meditating and asking
  • The thrill of victory: Competition still drives Decatur runner Cocciolo at age 77
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus The only thing Tony Cocciolo of Decatur loves more than competing in running events throughout north Alabama at age 77 is winning his age division in them. So he paid close attention during a pre-race chat several years ago when an unfamiliar runner divulged his age. Cocciolo realized
  • Tickled with pickleball: Sport offers competition, exercise and fun for all ability levels
    By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus Allen Kinworthy sat in the Aquadome Recreation Center bleachers and breathed deeply in between games of pickleball. He served as tangible evidence that the once-obscure sport can provide a workout. “It gets the cardio back up,” acknowledged Kinworthy, a Decatur resident who says he’s older than 60. “Where
  • On the cutting edge
    By Steve Irvine | Living 50 Plus DECATUR — At the age of 78, J. Hugh Looney still works 10-hour days styling hair and goes snow skiing on premier slopes in the western United States. He also finds time to garden and repair old sports cars and lawn mowers. The Morgan County native has been