Rolling Along

By Bruce McLellan | Living 50 Plus You might say Lewis White’s love of cycling started out of necessity.“In college I worked at Walmart,” he said. “I didn’t have a car, so I rode a bike to work. Fromthat point forward, I’ve been riding a bike nearly every day.”Now 56 and principal at Priceville High School,White rides a bicycle 80

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Volunteer Safety

Volunteers are vital to the survival of manycharitable organizations. Without peoplewilling to offer their time and expertise free ofcharge, many nonprofits would find it difficult, if notimpossible, to meet their missions. The global pandemic that began in late 2019and continued into 2021 changed many aspectsof life as the world knew it, and that includesvolunteering. Social distancing measures and stayat-home mandates

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Gov. Ivey awards $1.9 million to aid elderly and disabled abuse victims

Gov. Kay Ivey has awarded $1.9 millionto assist elderly and disabled adults whoare victims of abuse.The grant to the state Department ofHuman Resources will provide in-home ortemporary placement for elderly and disabledvictims who are subjected to abuse, neglect andexploitation.“No one should ever be subject to abuse ofany kind, and it is reprehensible that it shouldhappen to someone who may not

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Pets bring much joy to the lives they touch. So, it shouldcome as no surprise that the 2019-2020 National PetOwners Survey, which was conducted by theAmerican Pet Products Association, found thatabout 85 million families in the United Statesown a pet. In Canada, 7.5 million householdsare home to companion animals, states thePetBacker blog.Pets off er companionship andunconditional love. While they are

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Protect yourself from coronavirus fraud

Restrictions implemented to prevent the spread of thenovel coronavirus COVID-19 have saved untold numbersof lives. The world has adjusted to such restrictions, andmany parts of the world have relaxed measures as case numbershave declined.As communities begin returning to some semblance ofnormalcy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention haswarned people against letting their guard down. While manyof those warnings pertain

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Avoiding medical care because of fears of contractingCOVID-19 could mean the diff erence between life anddeath.For major medical issues such as heart attack and stroke,the benefi ts of quickly getting care are much, much higher, saidDr. B.J. Hicks, OhioHealth vascular neurologist and co-directorof the Comprehensive Stroke Program at Riverside MethodistHospital, Columbus, Ohio.“Make sure you seek treatment that will have you

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DECATUR – J. Hugh Looney chose a profession thatrequires long hours. He also chose to make sure that hisprofession is not the only thing that takes up his timebecause he remains active at work and at play at age 78.The Morgan County native has been a Decatur fi xture in thehair styling business for most of his adult life. Looney’s

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